The Forbidden Children

One Tuesday night I was walking my dog around the block I live in, this Tuesday was mostly normal and quiet, until I took a wrong turn on my way back to my house.
This turn brought me into an abandoned street, without any street lights except for one street light at the end of this bizzare street.
I came closer to the lonely street light, and when I stood right near it I discovered an old, iron gate, blocked with rusty bike chain.
The building behind that locked gate seemed like a kindergarten, however it seemed very old, dusty and deserted.
to the right of the building were sandbox, 2 slides and some swings, all were barely seen in the dark night.
"I'll be back in 5 mintues", I said to my dog as i sat him down and chained his collar to the street light. I saw the wall surrounding the kindergarten was too tall to climb, except for the western corner of it, not far from the iron gate.
As I began to climb the short wall in the corner of the kindergarten, a loud thunder was heard. I understood it will begin to rain soon so I decided to hurry and check the bizzare building for keeping my dog and I feet dry.
When I was standing by the building's door I noticed it was locked, however sounds I thought to be kid's laughter came from inside.
I tried to see who was laughing and shuttered my eyes a little to see something, and all I could see was a group of kids sitting on the floor in the middle of the dark with their back to me.
"Hello?" I asked, but no answer was heard. "Can you hear me?" I tried again, but still no answer was heard.
When I began to think something is sinister about this place, the children stood up and turned around, but what I saw terrified me - pairs of black holes, exactly at the place were two eyes are suppose to be, were starring at me silently.
I screamed at fear and tried to turn around and run back to the iron gate, but I couldn't move. I felt the cold rain drops hitting my face, freezing me to the bone, and there was nothing I could do. I just stood there, frozen and wet.
The children began to come closer to me as I tried to escape this unexplained freeze, and they all began to grin at me.
I could hear my dog's loud barks as the rain grew stronger and stronger, and I wanted to be out of this demonic place, but I understood this is probably my horrible destiny, dying cold and wet, surrounded by sinister grinning children.
The children moved closer and closer, and the closer they came the louder I screamed. My dog's barks were louder then I ever heard before.
Why did I take this turn at first place? why did I enter this bizzare street and why did I felt the urge to explore this demonic place?
Final loud bark, and all turned black.